A little problem with slider, listbox, treeview...etc

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Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Mi 6. Okt 2021, 02:19

A little problem with slider, listbox, treeview...etc

Beitrag von philpw99 »

First, I have to say, "AWESOME Program!" :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: You have make my life much easier in making some nice looking autoit scripts. So this is more like a THANKS, than reporting a small problem.

The styles and ex-styles of Slider control is not accurate any more. It's not a big deal, since I can just modify the source and compile the form studio plugin. I just want to remind you that when you have time, probably you need to update the control's style entries to reflect the latest changes.

Or, since you already make this open-source, why not put this whole thing in the GitHub, and let us do this for you. I am sure plenty of people, including me, wants to improve your program and share it to the public as well.

Update: It turns out the AutoIt document is at fault. In one large list it shows all the constants you have written in the program, but when dig into individual controls, the "guictrlxxxx_create()" method has extra style options that's missing.
Beiträge: 324
Registriert: Fr 11. Okt 2013, 13:06

Re: A little problem with slider, listbox, treeview...etc

Beitrag von ISI360 »

Hi philpw99

Thanks for your feedback ;)

Can you tell me, which styles are missing? Btw. you don´t need to edit the source by hand...you can add any style you want in the input filed in the formstudio below the style checkboxes. (where the styles are added) in the format $style1+$style2 and so on..

About GitHub: Yeah...is on my to do list for some time. Sadly when building a house for my family not much time is left for the ISN at the moment.

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Mi 6. Okt 2021, 02:19

Re: A little problem with slider, listbox, treeview...etc

Beitrag von philpw99 »

Thank you for the promptly reply ! Glad you are active here.
I did try to add the style manually, but the program will not render the style to code.
One example is the slider's "$TBS_ENABLESELRANGE" style. It's not in the big list, but it's in "_GUICtrlSlider_Create" page. It's important to me because I want to show the selection. When I manually add it to the Control Editor. The style will not render to the code, and it will not be saved. The same thing applies to other missing styles.
The one misses most styles is the "Listbox". There are 11 more styles that are in the "_GUICtrlListBox_Create" page.

But then, when I looked at the huge amount of code you already done... Man, all respect !

Wonderful to hear that you are building a new house for your family! Wish you guys have a great new home !

The github thing will actually easy your burden. You just need to assign someone you trust as the moderator, then let the people around the world to do the new coding for you. This way, your project will be expanded and perfected quickly. And you don't need to do much. It will actually give your more free time.
Beiträge: 324
Registriert: Fr 11. Okt 2013, 13:06

Re: A little problem with slider, listbox, treeview...etc

Beitrag von ISI360 »

Thanks for the example, you are right..looks like i missed some styles (again ^^).
I will check that and include the missing styles in the next update 8-)

Thanks ;) ;) ;)