if I use the following code inside ISN it gives me this error,
"Y:\DP\Users\Utils\AutoIT\ItunesRewrite\filesfunction.au3" (397) : ==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.:
$hMediaInfo = $aMediaInfo[0]
$hMediaInfo = $aMediaInfo^ ERROR
I have tried creating an new project with only this code in it, and it still gives the error.
But if I use it inside Scite it works without problems.
The DLL can be downloaded from here
https://mediaarea.net/download/binary/l ... taller.zip
Any suggestions?
Code: Alles auswählen
Global $FTR_Files[1]
$FTR_Files[0] = "testfile.mov"
Func CheckAudioMappings(ByRef $TempArray)
;~ $hDLL = DllOpen("MediaInfo.dll")
$hDLL = DllOpen("MediaInfo.dll")
; New MediaInfo handle
$aMediaInfo = DllCall($hDLL, "ptr", "MediaInfo_New")
$hMediaInfo = $aMediaInfo[0]