Feedback and Feature Request

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Registriert: Mo 28. Nov 2016, 03:30

Feedback and Feature Request

Beitrag von Hooch604 »

Hi there,

So, again, AutoIt Studio is simply the best option available for developing in AutoIt. I try other editors and keep coming back. This highlights the good, I have to come back to the best and that is AutoIt Studio. It also highlights the negative aspect though which is those things that keep pushing me to find an alternative. If I ask myself what I need to spend more time thinking about my code rather than what I perceive as my fighting the IDE...

1) Window management
I am constantly fighting with the application window and sub-windows. It's to the point where I run a script with a voice command to "reset window" so that I can have it the right size in the right place with the internal windows reset properly. If I touch the window at all it freaks out and goes full screen with everything all over the place.

Ask: Please allow me to save all window attributes including the width of the script and project trees, as well as overall window position and size.

2) Testing scripts and using IDE features at the same time[

Due to the nature of my project I am running the script within the IDE and changing code at the same time. The problem is that when I have the script running (F5) non of the internal IDE function work (such as F1 for help or the alt-arrow combos to open/close the trees)

Ask: Please allow for doing both at once.

Thanks for reading all of that, these two quality of life changes would be world changing for me and make AutoIt Studio even more awesome.

Beiträge: 324
Registriert: Fr 11. Okt 2013, 13:06

Re: Feedback and Feature Request

Beitrag von ISI360 »


Thanks for your feedback! ;)

1) Window management
The next update (1.04) will bring some window improvements for the ISN. You can save the old window position and size (if activated in the settings).
Also the resizing of the main window should be much nicer than in the current version. (percentual resizing of the elements like projekttree or scripttree)
Also some improvements for parrent windows: You can´t move a parrent window "outside" your desktop (or monitor). Happens quite a lot with the current 1.03.

2) Testing scripts and using IDE features at the same time
Hmm yeah i understand your problem. Fact is...AutoIt isn´t multithreading the ISN script "pauses" while you testing your script.
Of course, a own thread for testing would fix the problem...I write it to my todo list. But i do not think this comes with 1.04. (Maybe next versions..)
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Mo 28. Nov 2016, 03:30

Re: Feedback and Feature Request

Beitrag von Hooch604 »

Thank you for the response. This is great news! Do you have a rough target date for the next release?
Beiträge: 324
Registriert: Fr 11. Okt 2013, 13:06

Re: Feedback and Feature Request

Beitrag von ISI360 »

Unfortunately not. It depends on the time i can afford for programming. (Maybe the next months..)
But i let you know if i have a target date ;)