Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von markem
Mo 3. Jun 2024, 03:43
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: MenuBar in v1.16
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 15668

Re: MenuBar in v1.16


I redid the menu and this time it kept it all.

Thanks again!
von markem
Fr 31. Mai 2024, 05:40
Forum: Probleme & Bugs
Thema: MenuBar in v1.16
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 15668

MenuBar in v1.16

I just downloaded the studio. It is a fantastic program. In creating my first project (for first run) I decided to make a menu bar. I put in everything for the FILE menu, saved the project, got out of the program, and thought everything was great. Then I got back into the program and opened the proj...