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297Feature vorschlagen / Request featureniedrigMerge Autosave and Autobackup?Wird bearbeitet / Processing28.10.201828.10.2018ISN AutoIt Studio Aufgabenbeschreibung

Why not merge the autosave and autobackup features together?

So it only autobacks up on a save or autosave,

And it only does a save (and autosave) when there have been changes to the file.

Then the backup would allow you to roll back any changes to any point in time…

This would also help when the program sometimes glitches and wipes your file to 0 bytes (I think this is when it does autosave? I have turned autosave off to check

The backup auto delete already in place would keep it from getting too large


This would also help when the program sometimes glitches/crashes and wipes your file to 0 bytes (I think this is when it does autosave? I have turned autosave off to check and will report back)


295Feature vorschlagen / Request featureniedrigAdd a comment when ISN automatically adds a line to let...Wird bearbeitet / Processing28.10.201828.10.2018ISN AutoIt Studio Aufgabenbeschreibung

Add a comment whenISN automatically adds a line to let the developer know who changed their code

(eg. When it adds an include)

#include "addedInclude.au3"


#include "addedInclude.au3" ;Automatically added by ISN Studio on date time (Reason: File was added to ProjectX)

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