ISN AutoIt Studio - German

  • Status geschlossen
  • Prozent erledigt
  • Aufgabentyp Bug melden / Report Bug
  • Kategorie ISN AutoIt Studio
  • zuständig
  • Betriebssystem Windows 7 (64 Bit)
  • Schweregrad hoch
  • Dringlichkeit gering
  • betrifft Version 0.94 BETA
  • fällig in Version unbestimmt
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gehört zu Projekt: ISN AutoIt Studio - German
angelegt von Anonymer Reporter - 02.08.2013
zuletzt bearbeitet von ISI360 - 05.08.2013

FS#144 - Error in syntax check: Dec()

I get this error when I try to syntax check:
ERROR: Dec() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
Local $sStringDec = Dec($sHexString, 1)

But Dec() clearly has two args:
Dec ( "hex" [, flag ] ) (from helpfile)

This also occurs, if you just use this, without a var:
Dec( "0xFFFFFF", 1 )

Also, Local $ProcessedString = _CryptString($sString, InputBox("Key", "The key you want to use."), $CurrentMethod, $CurrentMode)
The $CurrentMode is included in the Local Vars Window on the right, as: $CurrentMode)
Maybe you have to update the syntax check, but I don't know.


geschlossen von  ISI360
05.08.2013 13:12
Grund für das Schließen:  Behoben / Fixed

Thanks for the Info!

You are the ISN is an old Version of the syntax checker. When you update the Au3Check.exe and the Au3Check.dat (data dir) from the current autoit version the error is fixed!

The problem will also be fixed with the next update!


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